Add Time : 2017-10-17 Source : yadmin Hits: 1700
CPU 2.50GHz,Internal memory 4G
The computer has at least one net port, a USB interface.
Installed Chinese 7/Windows8 Windows 32 bit, 64 bit operating system
Display resolution is recommended as 1440*900
After link the powerline, the three lights will bright, the other end of singal line has two U style sighnal lines and black start button of trigger lines, has marked as “1” or “2”, as channel 1 and 2 respectively. The red insert spring is positive (+), the blue insert spring is negative. The signal line U is connected with the output signal of the chromatograph by the "connecting pile", and the identification channel number is noted and the polarity of the signal is maintained.
Install the environment of the software, click
1. Install the environment of the software, click to install the platform
2. Click the Survy to install software,
3. Click to open software.
ClickWindows,Select "control panel" to enter "network and sharing center", click "local connection", enter property to use below IP address:
The last input range is 201-300.
Open computer, and inset the key
Double clickto have below window.